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Balancing a Hot/Dry Constitution: Cooling and Hydrating Tips for a Harmonious Life

Balancing a Hot/Dry Constitution: Cooling and H...

The hot/dry constitution is a desert landscape—radiant with vitality yet parched and craving relief. This type burns brightly, with an inner fire that fuels their determination and charisma but can...

Balancing a Hot/Dry Constitution: Cooling and H...

The hot/dry constitution is a desert landscape—radiant with vitality yet parched and craving relief. This type burns brightly, with an inner fire that fuels their determination and charisma but can...

Nourishing a Cold/Dry Constitution: Simple Practices to Restore Warmth and Moisture

Nourishing a Cold/Dry Constitution: Simple Prac...

The cold/dry constitution is like a winter landscape—crisp and clear, but yearning for warmth and moisture to bring life back to the surface. With this constitution, you may often exude...

Nourishing a Cold/Dry Constitution: Simple Prac...

The cold/dry constitution is like a winter landscape—crisp and clear, but yearning for warmth and moisture to bring life back to the surface. With this constitution, you may often exude...

Living Well with a Cold/Damp Constitution: How to Cultivate Warmth and Flow

Living Well with a Cold/Damp Constitution: How ...

Having a cold, damp constitution is like a winter’s morning, shrouded in fog with a chill that seeps into the bones. This constitution often carries a quiet strength but may feel...

Living Well with a Cold/Damp Constitution: How ...

Having a cold, damp constitution is like a winter’s morning, shrouded in fog with a chill that seeps into the bones. This constitution often carries a quiet strength but may feel...

lifestyle tips for hot/damp constitution

Thriving with a Hot/Damp Constitution: Lifestyl...

With your hot/damp constitution, you're a fiery cauldron bubbling over with energy and moisture. You have warming qualities that fuel passion, but when in excess, ignite irritation. Your vibrant constitution...

Thriving with a Hot/Damp Constitution: Lifestyl...

With your hot/damp constitution, you're a fiery cauldron bubbling over with energy and moisture. You have warming qualities that fuel passion, but when in excess, ignite irritation. Your vibrant constitution...

Herbal Formula Dosing Guide

Herbal Formula Dosing Guide

A printable guide on how to dose a wide variety of herbal formulas including tinctures, infusions, capsules, digestive formulas, pain formulas and more.

Herbal Formula Dosing Guide

A printable guide on how to dose a wide variety of herbal formulas including tinctures, infusions, capsules, digestive formulas, pain formulas and more.

Astrological Guide for Holistic Health

Quick Astrological Guide for Holistic Health: What the Stars Say about your Soma and Psyche  Each table gives broad information regarding a specific feature of the birth chart, but these...

Astrological Guide for Holistic Health

Quick Astrological Guide for Holistic Health: What the Stars Say about your Soma and Psyche  Each table gives broad information regarding a specific feature of the birth chart, but these...