Beauty Starts on the INSIDE – the gut and the skin are CONNECTED.
I’m 40+ years old with 3 children and when I tell people this, I'm met literal disbelief. Every. Time.
It’s not because i have superior genetics - youthful appearance does not run in my family. My father had a head full of silver hair by the time he could drive, and you'd think a decade separated my brother and I instead of only 13 months.
It’s not my skincare regimen either. Yes, I’m diligent & conscientious about my skincare routine and have been since I was a kid, but that’s simply icing on the cake.
I didn't find the Fountain of Youth, I don't bathe in blood on Full Moons, nor suck the youthful essence of children.
It’s my microbiome-supporting diet and daily use of medicinal plants. That is my secret sauce.
I learned first-hand that natural beauty is really just good health through my career as a registered skincare specialist at a world-renowned cosmetic company & through my career as an herbalist. After talking to hundreds of people about their skincare problems, studying & testing hundreds of the best beauty products on the market, & gaining an understanding of how internal health issues show up externally, I realized that no topical formula would truly correct a skincare issue because the problem was internal. And gut health was the likely culprit. The gut’s microbiome is a huge underlying cause of inflammatory chronic skin conditions including rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, & acne. Additionally, healthy diversity in the gut microbiome is linked to longevity & healthy aging, and you can read more about the scientific studies done on this here. You can also learn more about the skin & gut connection, by checking out the Dr. Mark Hyman's podcast The Doctor’s Farmacy; he has several relevant episodes on the interrelation between the two.
I make it a daily practice to incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar herbal extractions into by daily health & beauty regimen. ACV contains a broad range of healthy microbes AND it's the number 1 solvent for extracting micronutrients, which the skin, hair, teeth & nails need to fight signs of aging, while delivering them to the body in a bioavailable way.
You can find these ACV herbal extracts in the GWG Beauty Collection along with BeauTea, an herbal tisane chocked full of herbs containing ingredients like vitamin C for collagen production; silicon for strong skin/hair/teeth/nails; iron to reduce dark eye circles, and more. It's also detoxifying and boosts circulation for hair & nail growth while clearing the skin of inflammation.