Skin-Clearing Detox Tincture
Skin-Clearing Detox Tincture
Your skin is a reflection of your internal ecosystem. Stagnation within the organ systems shows up on your skin as clogged pores, excess oil, acne and dermatitis.
This herbal extract moves out stuck metabolic waste in the liver and lymph glands, while flushing toxins from the kidneys and blood, and facilitating fat breakdown for balanced endocrine functioning. Blood circulation also improves by strengthening blood vessels and capillaries, thus allowing for nourished, healthy cells, which results in clear, radiant skin.
Ingredients: organic gluten-free vodka, cleavers, dandelion, yarrow, calendula, ginger, turmeric, black pepper
Directions: take 1-2 dropperfuls 2-3 times per day
2 oz. per unit